I have been taught so much in my journey to my own health and my work with clients.
Each of us was created with the ability to have perfect health and happiness. This comes from the universal power of love and the support of our higher power. Seeing the healthy person in you and embracing that healthy person gives me the ability to help you move toward it.
Tapping into the power of our thoughts and emotions is an important part of the step-by-step approach I provide to my clients. Learning how to work with these and move through the things that hold back our growth is key to a healthy future.
There are energies and truths that are beyond the understanding of current science. There are many more mysteries than there are things that humans collectively know. This allows you to find what serves you to reach your highest health.
Health, Happiness and Love
I have experienced the connection to transcendent love. The power and joy of these connections has shown me that there is no limit to the power of love to change our lives for the better. This love is the source of my energy and allows me to engage with the most positive, healthy part of you. This is where the guidance of where to go forward comes from.
We are always presented with choices to see our lives in different ways. Many times we make choices based on beliefs and understandings that aren't accurate for us today and no longer serve us. Learning how to move beyond these outdated views of the past, present and future unlocks the health and happiness that is always available to us.
The change follows the simple process that different thoughts produce different actions and different actions produce different experiences. My desire is to do this in the most loving, supportive and uplifting ways and find the way that works the best for you.
The POWER of the mind
My first exposure to this was in college where I read about a person with multiple personality disorder. One of the personalities was diabetic and required insulin while another had normal blood sugar. That someone's mental state have that much effect on their body blew my mind. Scientific studies have shown that people who benefit from placebos actually show biological changes that reduce the disease. Sadly, most medical and scientific people dismiss this rather than exploring how to harness it to help people.
There are many traditions that use the mind to improve both health and life. My work with clients involves guiding them step by step to allow them to change their thinking and benefit their health and happiness. Since I see people and perfect and healthy, this often involves unlearning thought patterns of decades and releasing long hidden emotions that have negative impact on the body. Once these shifts occur, the body can go about its natural process of restoring itself to wholeness.
It may seem impossible that someone with stage 4 cancer and “little time to live” can do such work in time. I have witnessed people come back from these situations and know that this is possible.
Sounds, energy and divine wisdom
There is more to the energy in the universe than that which is measured in science. Even scientists admit there are forms of energy that exist but can not be measured with any instrument. It only exists in their theories. My experience of these energies are that they come in many forms and are unbounded by physical constraints. For me, most seem to be expressions of love and perfection.
One of my most powerful tools are healing sounds. These sounds connect with the body and mind and guide them to healing. I hear each person's unique sound of perfect health. When the body hears and resonates with these sounds, the vibration increases and more vitality and health develops in the body. I have used this many times to heal myself as well as worked with my clients using these sounds. I also help you learn your sound so you can do this for yourself.
There is wisdom I receive in my time of prayer and meditation as well as when I am working with clients. This is not logical deduction and it is not limited by time or distance. Sometimes this comes to me with a voice and sometimes it is just a deep knowing. It guides all my work and knows far better how to help you than my conscious mind. Part of my learning in this work has been to develop complete trust in this wisdom. I have been advised to do things that make no sense, only to see miraculous healing when I surrender to it.